
Gum Disease and Overall Health

Gum Disease and Overall Health

Gum disease is the main cause of adult tooth loss, but it can also cause other serious health problems.

According to Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Pasadena Dentists, gum disease can lead to systemic disease, congestive heart failure, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

WebMD explains that the mouth is loaded with harmless bacteria, however, when you put poor oral health habits into the mix, the harmless bacteria could be overcome by higher levels of dangerous bacteria that could eventually cause oral infections including gingivitis, and the more serious periodontal disease.

When you schedule a comprehensive dental exam with Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Pasadena Dentists your mouth will give your doctors clues about your overall health.

What other problems can be linked to overall oral health?

Cardiovascular disease-Some research has found that stroke, clogged arteries, and heart disease could be linked to oral bacteria and inflammation.

Endocarditis-An infection of your hearts inner lining, the Endocardium will become infected if other germs, such as mouth bacteria is allowed to spread through the bloodstream.

Pregnancy Birth

The more serious form of gum disease, periodontitis, has been linked to low birth weights and premature births.

There are certain health conditions that could affect oral health

Diabetes-Diabetics have less resistance to infection, putting gums at risk. Gingivitis and periodontal disease seems to be more severe and more frequent in people who suffer from diabetes. Sugar levels are much more difficult to regulate in people with gum disease as well.

HIV/AIDS-Painful mouth lesions and gum disease are common side effects for people who suffer from AIDS and HIV.

Osteoporosis-A disease that causes your bones to weaken and become brittle, osteoporosis is now being linked to bone and tooth loss. The drums that are used to control the disease carry a minor risk of jawbone damage.

Alzheimer’s disease-Oral health is worse in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Although there is still research being done, it appears that patients who have Alzheimer’s also have the more serious periodontal disease.

Other health problems that may be linked to your oral health include neck and head cancers, immune disorders, such as Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and eating disorders.

If you are on any type of medication and have had oral health changes, contact Dr. Shinto and his team of Pasadena Dentists as it could affect your teeth and gums. Over the counter medications and prescription drugs such as painkillers, antidepressants, diuretics, antihistamines and decongestants can affect your salivary glands.

Protect your Teeth and gums by:

Brushing twice a day

Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash

Floss everyday

Schedule regular checkups

Limit snacking and enjoy a healthy diet

Replace your toothbrush very three or four months or sooner if it looks frayed

Avoid tobacco

Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body and if you want to stay healthy, it’s important that you practice good oral hygiene, and that includes regular checkups with your dentist. Call or click and make your appointment today.