
Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. While it’s important to be aware all year round, April is the chance to remind yourself and those around you how important it is to keep track of what goes on with your teeth and gums and everything else in your mouth.


Be Part of the Awareness

If you notice anything suspicious, like a lump, bump, rough spot, red, or white patch, that doesn’t go away within two weeks, schedule a dentist’s appointment.


An examination with Dr. Paul Shinto, Dr. Bert Funatsu, or Dr. Kyle Low will help detect anything that doesn’t look quite right. If anything is suspicious, an appointment with an oral surgeon and a biopsy may be recommended.


The Earlier the Better

 Just like all health problems, early detection is the key to a longer life. When all oral cancers are detected in the early stages, there is a much better chance of survival.

 If you or someone you know suspect’s oral cancer contact your dentist right away.


What Your Dentist Can Do to Help Prevent Oral Cancer

Your dentist in Pasadena is usually the first to notice anything strange happening on your cheeks on your tongue or at the back of your throat.

People often ignore lumps, bumps and anything else. That sore throat that goes away after your morning coffee could mean something, but often times you’ll ignore it. Your dentist is able to spot anything that looks suspicious.


A Comprehensive Dental Exam in Pasadena

 A comprehensive dental examination starts with scheduling an appointment with Dr. Paul Shinto and one of his team members from his dental practice in Pasadena.

During your exam, you and your dentist will discuss your medical and dental history. Your exam will also consist of x-rays, digital pictures, and old restoration checks. Of course, your teeth will be checked for decay and your gums for disease.

Your comprehensive dental examination also includes an oral cancer screening. This thorough checkup gives your dentist a clear picture of what is going on as he checks your throat, neck, head, and every inch of your oral cavity.

Dr. Shinto and his team of Pasadena dentists recommend twice-yearly comprehensive dental exams or more if you are susceptible to any type of cancer.


Celebrate National Cancer Awareness Month with a Checkup

Do your part and schedule a dental checkup and checkups for your entire family in Pasadena. Early detection is the key. Schedule your appointment today.