
Vitamin D can Help You Keep Your Teeth

Vitamin D can Help You Keep Your Teeth

In a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Vitamin D could be the answer when it comes to preventing tooth decay. The study was conducted using 3,000 children enrolled in clinical trials that were published between the 1920’s, and the 1980’s.

The trails showed that there was a fifty percent drop in tooth decay thanks to the supplementation of Vitamin D. Most experts believe that Vitamin D helps the body absorb more calcium. Teeth are made up of calcium so it makes sense that more Vitamin D would help strengthen tooth enamel.

During the trials, Vitamin D was administered using supplements, cod liver oil or other dietary products, and supplemental UV radiation. The main goal of the study was to, “Take a fresh look at the Vitamin D question.”

However, researchers who have been studying the effects of Vitamin D were not surprised. In fact, children who do not get enough Vitamin D will experience teething later than normal and have a greater risk of tooth decay.

In recent years, Vitamin D has become the cure-all for everything that ails you. In fact, women with high levels of Vitamin D had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have also noticed a link between low levels of Vitamin D and heart disease.

Web MD explains that people who supplement their diet with high levels of Vitamin D are not only helping to prevent bone loss, but are also more likely to keep their teeth. Even older adults, who practice good oral hygiene, including regular dental checkups, are less likely to lose their teeth. Vitamin D and calcium decreases bone loss and also helps tooth retention.

During a three-year period, 140 adults over the age of 50 participated in a study. Half of the group took 500 mg of calcium along with 700 units of Vitamin D every day while the other half took a placebo. The participants teeth were examined throughout the study and the results were quite astounding. The people who took the supplements were forty percent less likely to experience tooth loss than the participants who took the placebo.

Of course, this is no surprise to dentists who applaud recent studies. Older adults are twice as likely to get cavities as teens. Adding Vitamin D and Calcium supplements could help lower the risk. 

For more information regarding diet and oral health, schedule an appointment with your dentist today who can help you come up with a plan that will help you keep your teeth for life.