
An Educated Cosmetic Dentist is Essential

An Educated Cosmetic Dentist is Essential

If your smile has reached its use by date it’s time to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist.

Dr. Paul Shinto and Associates in Pasadena have the skills and experience to remodel your teeth and gums with cosmetic dentistry solutions that are sure to make you smile.

A Cosmetic Dentist You Can Trust

Although anyone can slap up a menu of services that include cosmetic dentistry not everyone should.

The American Dental Association does not see cosmetic dentistry as a specialty, but it should be. If you know someone with giant smile it was probably placed by an inexperienced dentist.

Dr. Paul Shinto, Dr. Bert Funatsu, Dr. Bryce Kato and Dr. Matthew Hunter Shinto are passionate about dentistry. You will know that the minute you walk through the door.  

Education is Essential 

Every cosmetic dentist from this doctor’s office is trained to provide you with the best of the best. The best of the best whether you are having porcelain veneers placed or just want to lengthen your eye teeth with cosmetic dental bonding.

Whatever you need you are in the right place. The right place when you become a patient of Dr. Paul Shinto, Dr. Bert Funatsu, Dr. Bryce Kato and Dr. Matthew Hunter Shinto.

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Every cosmetic dentist from this practice is passionate about continued education. So much so that the team offers a variety of services that include:

Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Enamel Shaping

CEREC® Dental Crowns

Tooth Colored Fillings

Inlays and/or Onlays

Dental Bridges



Oral Appliance Therapy

Sports Mouth Guards


Clear Removable Braces

Complete Smile Makeover

Depending on the outcome of your cosmetic dentistry consultation Dr. Paul Shinto, Dr. Bert Funatsu, Dr. Bryce Kato and Dr. Matthew Hunter Shinto may recommend one, two or all of the above treatments for your new smile.

Consultation in Pasadena

Smiling boosts your endorphins, improves confidence and could land you that new job you have been considering. However, if you aren’t smiling much because of crooked, chipped, stained or missing teeth you could be losing out.

A consultation is the best place to start if you want to boost your smile appeal. Schedule one today with Paul Shinto DDS and Associates and you will be well on your way to a new outlook on life.

Send a direct message and schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in Pasadena today.